New Business Data

Source of New Business Registration Data

New Domain obtain New Business Data from:

This information is used commercially under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence agreement.

For further information please contact us on (03) 8400 4424.


More About provides an easy way to find, access and reuse public datasets from Government. The main purpose of the site is to encourage public access to and reuse of government data by providing it in useful formats under open licences. It was created following the Government’s Declaration of Open Government and response to the Government 2.0 Taskforce Report.

The purpose of this online service is to encourage public access to and reuse of government data by providing it in useful formats and under open licences.

The site provides both downloadable datasets and links to online data services provided by other government sources. Improving the quantity and quality of the site’s data will be an ongoing process.

The datasets provided through have been created by many different government agencies. Consequently, we cannot guarantee the quality or timeliness of the datasets. While we welcome your feedback, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to correct any problems identified with the datasets.